Archive: April, 2017


Reason #1 : NO Flexibility, Ownership  or Ability to Negotiate Price  With PIGO Multimedia you get priority customer support. And the website you paid for is owned by you. The core platforms for services like Squarespace, Wix, Yelp, Weebly or Hibu are not very flexible – you’re stuck with their proprietary hosting and iron-handed pricing, which is strictly on their servers. You will ultimately invest a lot of time and money for a website that you are leasing. You do NOT own your website, they do. As sample proof here is Squarespace’s fine print on their pricing page makes it clear. And if you do not like their service or pricing, you will have to leave your website behind and start all over again. Wasting time and money.     Reason #2 : You Cannot Easily Edit Content on Your Site    With PIGO Multimedia, our websites have a CMS ( Content ... Read More
April 8, 2017smoke
PIGO Multimedia | Atlanta, GA. 30024
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