Managed website hosting has emerged due the rapid growth of website CMS which has grown so big that hosting companies have specifically crafted new servers and assigned dedicated engineers and website specialists to make your website a joyful and high-end experience. Imagine enterprise level tuned servers and high performance written scripts by 100’s of world leading website developers and Linux engineers dedicated for one propose, taking your website to the highest achievable level while solving your technical issues virtually worry-free.
Why should you go with managed website hosting?
Well, managed website hosting means you are not just renting a spot on a shared, VPS or a dedicated server but you are also renting a top notch team to fix not only your server issues but also your website. If you are not on a website managed hosting plan, then if your issue is not related to the UN-managed server, then you will usually hear from support something like “This issue and is out of our scope of support”, but if you are on a managed host plan, then you would hear something more like this “I will create a ticket for our senior technicians to work on the issue and you should here from them very soon”. Having a website on a managed hosting plan virtually solves your website related issues and can also help you make installations and updates for website, themes and/or plugins.
The second most important aspect about managed website hosting is the speed of your site. You might know that a fast website is crucial to success and is included in the Google ranking search algorithm. Visitors are simply unwilling to wait too long for a page to load before they go somewhere else. There is fierce competition amongst websites in about every niche. So you want the visitor to have no reason to leave your website just because your website is loading slow. This type of hosting is built from the ground up specifically configured for speed and security with caching engines to get your site the blazing fast speed it needs. For example, managed website hosting has built something called SuperCacher that works specifically with your hosting environment, it includes technologies such as Memecached, Dynamic Caching, Static Caching and even HHVM a technology introduced by Facebook. They even have implemented Google technology mod_pagespeed for you to take advantage of.
You can have the peace of mind that your website is under heavy security surveillance. Since the host is in charge and is responsible for your site security, they have crafted a tight security system with extreme measures. Managed Website hosting takes high level measure such as implementing a unique mechanism that isolates server accounts from each other. You are basically getting the same levels of security you would usually only get with dedicated plans.
Another very important measure this type of hosting rolls out the latest security patches making your managed website extremely solid and hacker-proof.